Monday, May 6, 2013

A Love Storyline...

When songs can only express what words can't....

The beginning...

Falling in love...

Our Song...

Happiest time of my life, found my other half...

Falling in a dark hole...

Heart getting broken and the illusion of having the perfect love...

Internal fight between mind and heart...

And my heart wins asking to forgive...

But I feel lost and cold....

And then we move to hell....

Time comes for a break...

We think love can win everything and trespass any obstacle...

But this time things are different...

And after a while of battling to keep the love alive a conclusion is reached...

And the last hope lingers through my fingers...

Awakening and meeting the abrupt reality...

To find the end...


bestiajez said...

es, probablemente, lo mejor que te he visto escribir. Me ha encantado

Anita said...

Es por que no hay nada escrito? xD